Our Quality Policy

To provide quality products and services in accordance with the conditions of the '' Quality Management System '', to ensure customer satisfaction thanks to the understanding of continuous learning and improvement that we adopt together with all our employees, as an organization that aims to continuously progress in terms of technology and quality, being aware of its responsibilities to the society and the environment, to provide products and services that will provide the highest benefit to our customers with optimum commercial conditions without compromising standards and local regulations and to ensure continuous customer satisfaction.

For this purpose, our quality targets and policies with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System are effectively and continuously monitored and reviewed at periodic meetings.

MATRIKS management is responsible for setting goals that will ensure continuous improvement in quality and customer satisfaction.

MATRİKS yönetimi, kalite ve müşteri memnuniyetinde sürekli gelişimi sağlayacak hedefleri oluşturmaktan sorumludur. Bu doğrultuda MATRİKS çalışanlarından da Kalite Yönetim Sistemimizin önemli bir parçası olan sürekli gelişime katkıları beklenmektedir. Kalite, tüm çalışanlarımızın sorumluluğundadır.

Accordingly, MATRIKS employees are expected to contribute to continuous improvement, which is an important part of our Quality Management System. Quality is the responsibility of all our employees.

It is one of our basic principles to improve the work ethics and talents of our employees with the training we offer them.